A Different New Year

Well to anyone following my blog, this has been a difficult year for the knife industry. Few shows, and only a few outlets to sell custom knives and even then, nothing has been moving too fast.

Commercial knives are still moving but not exactly a record pace as many reconsidered priorities in life.

We also lost many knifemakers who we featured on this blog. Some true pioneers in the industry…even saw one company change hands.

Many knifemakers custom as well as commercial have switched from Facebook to Instagram to Patlor, MeWe or who knows.. I am followed by a few on Instagram and have two reviews to do in the new year. Yes actually reviewed by me, written by me and pictures by me.

On a personal note my Dad wound up getting COVID which led to pneumonia and now it’s 50/50 if he’ll make it. So very difficult for me. Appreciate any prayers as we struggle through this with the help of a Loving God.

Stay safe this New Year Eve and have a better 2021